How to use the lure and trap
Two sheets are supplied, each sheet is three traps (6 traps in total). To use, divide into individual traps. Before removing the cover paper, pre-fold each trap into its wedge shape along the perforated fold lines. Remove the protective cover paper to expose the glue catch surface and lay flat. Open the sachet (cut) and apply the lure gently and evenly to each trap. One sachet is sufficient for all 6 traps. Put a little onto each and repeat until sachet is empty. Remove the strip of tape paper above the Museum Trap logo. Fold and secure by adhering the DO NOT TOUCH flap over and onto the front slope surface. Remove the card viewing window. Remove the cover paper from the tape on the underside to expose the sticky surface. This helps keep the traps in place. Warning: the adhesive is very strong and may damage delicate surfaces. Silverfish are very sensitive to the trap moving, so place where silverfish have been seen and leave undisturbed for as long as possible.