The circular cage tablet holder is 3cm in diameter and 0.7cm tall. It is mounted on a card 8.9cm x 5.1cm.
To use, remove the monitor (still attached to the card) from the bag, at the time when it is to be placed in position, not before. Keep the bag for later use. Mark the date and number the card, so that it can be retrieved by cross reference to the day and location of placement. It is expected that the monitors will be placed in areas of susceptible infestations for about 30 days at room temperature (20°-23°C) and longer (up to 60 days) in cooler environments.
The presence of larvae indicates possible infestations nearby and the higher the number of larvae, the more severe the problem.
The monitors are not designed to capture and hold the larvae with sticky glues although larvae can often be found inside the cage. As such the monitors can be placed closer to artefacts without the risk of causing potential damage from the glue. They can also be placed in pockets or between layers of cloth or below taxidermy mounts etc.
The attractants are of animal protein origin and should be stored refrigerated until needed and must not be subjected to heat as they will deteriorate and will no longer work. They are supplied in packaging, which preserve the attractant and allow the product to be store in a refrigerator.
This trap contains no chemicals dangerous to humans, however, animal proteins can potentially carry bacteria and microorganisms hazardous to food quality and safety. Do not use these items in areas where it is likely to come in contact with food materials, food handling surfaces or utensils.
Dermestidae are a family of beetles (Coleoptera) that are commonly referred to as skin beetles. Other common names include larder beetle, hide or leather beetles, carpet beetles, and khapra beetles.
For more information, please read our Larval Dermestid Monitor product information leaflet.